Old School Gazette: Your source for the "latest" in technology and entertainment.
Thursday, July 8, 1982.
Timex Sinclair has released their first computer, the T/S 1000. The amazing piece of hardware sells for $99.95, making it the cheapest machine on the market and the first machine with a price tag below one hundred dollars. The T/S 1000 comes fully assembled and ready to plug in to your television via your RF modulator. So, put your Atari to the side and make room for this beauty.
Last Friday saw the release of a Don Bluth film. The legendary director and animator made a very serious take on the aftermath of the experiments of the National Institutes of Mental Health, in The Secret of NIMH. Certainly worth watching, especially if you are a fan of fantastical creatures or the distinctive art style of Don Bluth.
Tomorrow will see the release of yet another science fiction movie. If you haven't had enough sheet Wrath of Khan, Blade Runner, and ET, you may be interested in Disney's Tron. This movie features a video game programmer who gets trapped in his own computer code, something that I'm most programmers believe have happened to them at around hour 47 of no sleep.
Sources (literally all of these are fun, and they could probably send me a C&D for plagiarism):
This is a not-quite-official announcement of the Discord server I just created. Completely free. Don't need to be a supporter on Locals. Don't even need to be a member.
It's definitely not a secret that this community hasn't been active since Matt Hartley hasn't been involved. I think there are a few reasons why (one being that I had a lot less time to devote to it than I realized), and I think that making a completely free alternative would help, and I unfortunately don't think I can do that on Locals! You have to pay if you want to post. Discord should be free (unless I did it wrong).
Feel free to come join! It's still kind of experimental at this point, and I don't know how well I'll handle content moderation, which will probably be the biggest challenge.