Your source for the "latest" in technology and entertainment.
Technology news
Supersoft has released C compilers for both CP/M and MS-DOS. These are not the first C compilers for the systems, but they may be worth looking into.
A new corporation has been founded recently that focuses on projects related to artificial intelligence and databases. The corporation is called Symantec. We'll see how that works out for them.
Yet another new corporation has been formed, this time out of a garage, called Adobe Systems. The organization is beginning work on a language called PostScript, and is already gaining the attention of Apple Computers.
Speaking of, Apple has recently announced the introduction of it's newest machine, dubbed "Locally Integrated Software Architecture", or "LISA" for short. The machine is not yet on the market.
The National Association of Music Manufacturers convention has met recently, some organizations have decided to work together to create a standard for digital music. The end result will be some sort of musical instrument digital interface.
Entertainment news
Last Friday, the twenty-fifth of June, saw the release of two science fiction films.
The first is based on Philip K. Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", but has changed the title to "Blade Runner". The film takes place in the far-off year of 2019 and stars Harrison Ford.
The second is a sci-fi horror movie called "The Thing", directed by John Carpenter. It takes place in Antarctica and features a malevolent, shape-shifting extraterrestrial. It is a far cry from E.T., released just a few weeks ago, but it is not well-received so far. Still, there may be an audience for the film among some fans of H.P. Lovecraft or Clark Ashton Smith.
Sources (literally all of these are fun, and they could probably send me a C&D for plagiarism):
This is a not-quite-official announcement of the Discord server I just created. Completely free. Don't need to be a supporter on Locals. Don't even need to be a member.
It's definitely not a secret that this community hasn't been active since Matt Hartley hasn't been involved. I think there are a few reasons why (one being that I had a lot less time to devote to it than I realized), and I think that making a completely free alternative would help, and I unfortunately don't think I can do that on Locals! You have to pay if you want to post. Discord should be free (unless I did it wrong).
Feel free to come join! It's still kind of experimental at this point, and I don't know how well I'll handle content moderation, which will probably be the biggest challenge.